
Electric Pallet Jack

Electric Pallet Jack - Free Shipping - $2500 each - Order Now

Electric Pallet Jack

Electric Pallet Jack - Free Shipping - $2500 each - Order Now

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Electric Pallet Jack
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Fully electric pallet jack. The most heavy duty electric pallet jack at the guaranteed best price. 3,300 pounds rated weight capacity. Move heavy roofing materials without hurting your back or damaging the roofing materials. Continuous battery life of up to 8 hours. Needs 7-11 hours to fully charge. Lead Time 6 weeks (each order is made for each customer). 12 month Manufacturer Warranty and support. Free Shipping within the Continental United States.

8 hrs Continuous Use
$ 2,499.00 USD
(as low as
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The Roof Store sample box for 1 1/4 inch Coil Roofing Nails
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Receive Free Sample of 1 1/4 Inch Coil Roofing Nails

The Roof Store sample box for 1 1/4 inch Coil Roofing Nails
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  • Manufacturer WELIFT
  • Model designation EPT-15
  • Drive unit                               Electrics
  • Operator type pedestrian
  • rated capacity Q kg 1500 (3,300 pounds)
  • Load center distance c mm 600
  • Load distance x mm 889/946
  • Wheelbase y mm 1261/1205


  • Service weight (include battery) kg 195
  • Axle loading, laden driving side/loading side kg 565/1130
  • Axle loading, unladen  driving side/loading side kg 155/40


  • Tyre type driving wheels/loading wheels PU/ PU
  • Tyre size, driving wheels(diameter×width) mm 210x70
  • Tyre size, loading wheels(diameter×width) mm 2x 78x60(78x88)
  • Tyre size, caster wheels(diameter×width) mm
  • Wheels, number driving,caster/loading (x=drive wheels) mm 1x /4(1x /2)
  • Track width, front,driving side b10 mm
  • Track width,rear,loading side b11 mm 410(535)


  • Lift height h3 mm 115
  • Height drawbar in driving position min./max. h14 mm 790/1225
  • Lowered height h13 mm 80
  • Overall length l1 mm 1638
  • Length to face of forks l2 mm 488
  • Overall width b1/ b2 mm 568(685)
  • Fork dimensions s/ e/ l mm 50/150/1150
  • Distance between fork-arms b5 mm 560(685)
  • Ground clearance, center of wheelbase m2 mm 30
  • Aisle width for pallets 1000 × 1200 crossways Ast mm 1739
  • Aisle width for pallets 800 × 1200 lengthways Ast mm 1939
  • Turning radius Wa mm 1485

Performance data

  • Travel speed, laden/ unladen km/ h km/h 4/4.5
  • Lifting speed, laden/ unladen m/ s 0.029/0.038
  • Lowering speed, laden/ unladen m/ s 0.046/0.033
  • Max. gradeability, laden/unladen 2/6
  • Service brake type Electromagnetic


  • Drive motor rating S2 60 min kW 0.65
  • Lift motor rating at S3 15% kW 0.84
  • The maximum allowed size battery mm
  • Battery voltage/nominal capacity K20 24/65
  • Battery weight kg 22.5x2

Addition data

  • Type of drive control DC
  • Steering type Mechanical
  • Sound pressure level at the driver’s ear 74
  • Harmonized Tariff Schedule Code: 8427109000
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Electric Pallet Jack ready for use
Electric Pallet Jacks are shipped 2 per crate
Electric Pallet Jacks come with the handle and battery in a separate box inside the crate
The Electric Pallet Jacks are easily assembled with one hinge.

Electric Pallet Jack Battery Charger
Electric Pallet Jack Close Up
Electric Pallet Jack Side View
Electric Pallet Jack
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Delivering roofing coil nails, synthetic roofing underlayment, and all other palletized products involves using freight services. Freight services are not like Ground services offered by FedEx or UPS.
You'll be able to track your shipment with the tracking information you receive from us. Please track your shipment with the freight company because they provide an estimated day of when The Roof Store Order will arrive at your location. The estimated days of arrival are not guaranteed because the freight companies are also delivering other company's freight. Your company must have someone at the delivery location between 9am to 5pm to receive the shipment on the day of delivery.
If the trucking company arrives and there isn't someone there, you will be charged a re-delivery fee (amount varies per freight carrier).
Your destination must have the ability to receive commercial shipments because pallet jacks must have a smooth surface in order to deliver your roofing nail order.
  • Drivers don't wait very long. Please track your shipment with tracking given and be prepared on the day of delivery.
  • Extra charges will apply for shipments where the driver must re-deliver on a different day because the destination location was not available to receive the shipment on the day of delivery.
  • Driver assist rates are as follows: $250 USD for moving pallets not part of the delivery.

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Receive Free Samples of Our Products..

The Roof Store Free Sample Packs include Roof Glue, Synthetic Underlayment, Starter Shingles, Cap Nails and more.

Bulk Samples include: Roof Glue, Coil Nails, Synthetic Underlayment, Cap Nails, Starter Shingles

Shingles Samples includes: 3 colors of shingle samples, Synthetic Underlayment

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The rich text element allows you to create and format headings, paragraphs, blockquotes, images, and video all in one place instead of having to add and format them individually. Just double-click and easily create content.

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A rich text element can be used with static or dynamic content. For static content, just drop it into any page and begin editing. For dynamic content, add a rich text field to any collection and then connect a rich text element to that field in the settings panel. Voila!

How to customize formatting for each rich text

Headings, paragraphs, blockquotes, figures, images, and figure captions can all be styled after a class is added to the rich text element using the "When inside of" nested selector system.

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