
Bullet Boot

Bullet Boots are the lead pipe boot alternative warrantied for 35 years

Bullet Boot

Bullet Boots are the lead pipe boot alternative warrantied for 35 years

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Bullet Boot
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The Bullet Boot (manufactured by Bullet Products) flexible pipe boot replaces the existing and toxic lead pipe boot at a great price. The Bullet Boot has a 35 year warranty. Protective mesh varies in colors and may not match color of Bullet Boot. For free shipping, order 64 of the same size and color.

$ 17.50 USD
(as low as
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Base Flashing measures 10 inches x 10 inches

35 Year Warranty

The Bullet Boot is a new patented product designed to aesthetically replace the old toxic lead pipe flashing products at a competitive price. These boots are a one-piece flexible rubber TPE pipe flashing. This is a one-piece flexible design that goes on the outside as well as the inside of the pipe. The Bullet Boot has one hundred percent UV protection. Furthermore, the boots make an ideal flashing for all types of shingle, tile, metal, and TPO roofing. Additionally, all our boots come with rodent screen built in the top. This prevents rodents, birds, and other critters from entering the vent. As well, the screen prevents unwanted debris from entering the vent. There is no need to paint since it comes in many colors to match virtually any roof application. Finally, this innovative product adapts to any roof pitch due to its flexible material.

Installation Instructions:

Fitting: Remove interfering shingle nails around the perimeter of the roof opening. Depending on the application, apply a bead of shingle adhesive along the bottom of the flange, and slide the top end of the Bullet Boot up and under the shingle. Allow the bottom vent flange to lie on top of the shingles or cut shingle to fit.

Mounting: Care should be taken in keeping the Bullet Boot properly aligned. Nail in place using 1-1/4” coated or stainless roofing nails spaced 6” to 8” on center, or at least 3 per side, maximum of 1” from the outer edge of the flange, and 1-1/2” from each corner. Roofing cement should be applied to all shingle edges and nail heads to prevent water infiltration. In severe weather coastal hurricane zones, it is recommended to caulk around the entire Bullet Boot perimeter, under the vent flanges, and near the outer edges (7108 Permathane Sealant).

Diameters 1 1/2", 2", 3" have 16 Bullet Boots per box.

Diameter 4" has 8 Bullet Boots per box

Bullet Boot Roofing Product Installation Instructions

Wet Fit Application: Fitting: Remove interfering shingle nails around the perimeter of the roof opening. Depending on the application, apply a bead of shingle adhesive along the bottom of the flange, and slide the top end of the boot up and under the shingle. Allow the bottom vent flange to lie on top of the shingles or cut shingle to fit. Mounting: Care should be taken in keeping the boot properly aligned. Nail in place using 1-1/4” coated or stainless roofing nails spaced 6” to 8”on center, or at least 3 per side, maximum of 1” from the outer edge of the flange, and 1-1/2” from each corner. Roofing cement should be applied to all shingle edges. In severe weather coastal hurricane zones, it is recommended to seal around the entire perimeter, under the vent flanges and near the outer edges with a compatible roofing cement or adhesive. It is suggested the roofing cement or sealant be used to cover exposed zinc plated or galvanized nail heads.

Dry Fit Application: Step Flash Installation method, for use without additional roofing cement.

Bullet Boot Roofing Product Installation Instructions

Florida Building Code Specific Installation Instructions

Florida Building Code fastening pattern shown for #10 Pan clip Screw Fastener with a sufficient length to penetrate roof deck by 3/32”. Pan clip for wood deck installation: DMIPD10100T 1”, DMIPD10150T 1-1/2”,DMIPD10200T 2”. FBC approval # FL 25870.1 .The use of a coated or stainless steel Pan clip fastener in place of a coil roofing nail eliminates the need to seal exposed nail heads.

Bullet Boot Roofing Product Installation - Florida Building Code Specific Installation Instructions
Bullet Boot Roofing Product Specifications
  • UV Protected TPE Material with plastic removable pest screen.
  • Tensile Strength: 1825 psi ASTM D412
  • Tear Strength: 195 lbs / in ASTM D624
  • Service Temp: -59 degrees c to 90 degrees c
  • Wind Uplift Resistance: -45 PSF (8 fasteners) -160 PSF (16 fasteners)
  • Design wind uplift pressure resistance in ASD with safety factor of 2-1.
  • Florida Product Approval # FL25870.1,Evaluation Report 17-209-BB-ER
  • Environmental Resistance: Excellent resistance to Ozone, UV, water, alcohol, weak acids & chlorine.
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Delivering roofing coil nails, synthetic roofing underlayment, and all other palletized products involves using freight services. Freight services are not like Ground services offered by FedEx or UPS.
You'll be able to track your shipment with the tracking information you receive from us. Please track your shipment with the freight company because they provide an estimated day of when The Roof Store Order will arrive at your location. The estimated days of arrival are not guaranteed because the freight companies are also delivering other company's freight. Your company must have someone at the delivery location between 9am to 5pm to receive the shipment on the day of delivery.
If the trucking company arrives and there isn't someone there, you will be charged a re-delivery fee (amount varies per freight carrier).
Your destination must have the ability to receive commercial shipments because pallet jacks must have a smooth surface in order to deliver your roofing nail order.
  • Drivers don't wait very long. Please track your shipment with tracking given and be prepared on the day of delivery.
  • Extra charges will apply for shipments where the driver must re-deliver on a different day because the destination location was not available to receive the shipment on the day of delivery.
  • Driver assist rates are as follows: $250 USD for moving pallets not part of the delivery.

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Receive Free Samples of Our Products..

The Roof Store Free Sample Packs include Roof Glue, Synthetic Underlayment, Starter Shingles, Cap Nails and more.

Bulk Samples include: Roof Glue, Coil Nails, Synthetic Underlayment, Cap Nails, Starter Shingles

Shingles Samples includes: 3 colors of shingle samples, Synthetic Underlayment

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